Student Wellbeing
Adolescents place great emphasis on their interactions and relationships with peers. If you find your child/children are in need of additional guidance, a link has been placed on both the parent and student portal titled, Wellbeing Support links which may be of assistance to you. The Pastoral Care Team will also be in contact with students on a regular basis.

Mental health resources
School TV — A video for teachers/parents to talk to children about COVID—Presented by Dr Michael Carr-Greg.
Talking to kids — How to talk to kids about Corona virus presented by Maggie Dent
BRAVE Online - Anxiety Treatment Program for Children, Adolescents & Parents (ages 8-12 & 13-17yrs)
E-Couch – Online self-help program for Depression & anxiety
Mood Gym - Online self-help program for Depression & anxiety
This Way Up - TEEN STRONG Program for Depression & Anxiety (Ages 12-17yrs)
Human rights education — Activities to help students understand everyone's responsibilities.
Healthier happier Qld—Activities to support healthy eating and moving.
Reach out — Activities to help cope with stress and coping in difficult situations.
SAM – Self-Help for Anxiety Management

Mini Projects
CLICK HERE to find fun activities to help keep your mind happy, healthy and energised. Wellbeing for life is feeling comfortable, healthy and happy. This is not only physically but mentally too.
Helplful Apps

FOCUS On the Go! supports the FOCUS (Families OverComing Under Stress™) family resilience training model.
Play along with Buddy Bear and Feeling Fox as they learn to talk about their feelings and learn new skills that help keep their friendship and families strong. Play alongside Buddy and Feeling Fox to practice understanding and sharing your feelings and to collect tools for calming down in challenging situations.
It includes a suite of games and resources for everyone.

ReachOut Breathe, was created to help reduce the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety by slowing down your breathing and heart rate.
ReachOut Breathe helps you to control your breath and measures your heart rate in real-time using the camera in your phone.

Mindfulness can be a valuable tool for improving your mental wellbeing. Research has shown regular mindfulness practice can help you feel calmer and more positive, as well as giving you more energy, clarity and focus. Smiling Mind guides you through simple exercises to get you started on your mindfulness journey. The app uses engaging illustrations and short sessions to train you to become more aware of your breath and your senses, so you can bring mindfulness into your everyday routine.