Primary Years (3 - 6)

The vision for the Primary Years students is to develop and strengthen their academic skills, social abilities, spiritual awareness and personal character.

Across the Primary years, classes are well organised and thoughtfully arranged to balance the developmental needs, social opportunities and academic needs of the students. Progressive use of technology is integrated into all areas of the curriculum, maintaining a strong academic focus and skills development in all learning areas.

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The Program

The Australian Curriculum is the central program that ensures students have exposure to the achievement standards of their age peers. Teachers develop contextual and engaging programs that assist students to achieve against these standards to their best.

Our Learning Enhancement Program-Extension is offered to students who operate beyond year level curriculum. We also offer Extension Programs to assist students achieve to the best of their abilities.

For those who may be experiencing learning difficulties in their schooling we offer a Learning Enhancement that provides support and assistance within an integrated and inclusive environment. These programs are facilitated by trained staff in a small group setting, or with one-to-one support at various stages throughout the year when needed. This may include withdrawal or in-class assistance depending on the academic needs of students.

From Year 3

From Year 3, students join the Outdoor Education Camp program. By attending excursions and sleepovers as well as camps from Year 4 that increase their self-awareness, students also learn to expand their home and school view of the world and develop relationships with others in a non-classroom setting.

In the Primary years, students experience a wide variety of extra-curricular activities such as involvement in the College Production, sports days, music and band opportunities and excursions which facilitate sophisticated interactions.

Extra-curricular opportunities are offered through the after school co-curricular program as well as the Year 4 band scholarships in Music that serve to give students opportunities through their Primary years. Concerts and Performance assemblies, Learning Journey, Productions and exhibitions consolidate their experiences and link the Primary years to the whole school community.

Years 5 and 6

Students in Years 5 and 6 experience increased development and growth physically, emotionally, socially and mentally. We have developed initiatives to help students as they transition into adolescence so that they can be better prepared for their future Secondary years. Students participate in various leadership roles through the Primary Leadership Program. These roles include Captains in Sport and Music, as well as responsibility roles such as Monitors in the Library, Visual Arts, and Chaplaincy.

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