Fee Schedule
Fees Calculator
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Fee CalculatorTuition Fees
The College is a not-for-profit organisation, which exists to provide an independent education within the context of the Christian faith. The College relies on income from families in the form of fees, as well as recurrent funding from the State and Commonwealth Governments. A portion of fees each year is used for capital projects.
Our Fees for 2021 are:
Pre Kindergarten 2021 - $1,115 per annum
Kindergarten 2021 - $5,990 per annum
Primary Fees 2021 - $6,150 per annum
Secondary Fees 2021 - $9,080 per annum
Subject/course levies – Secondary students
In addition to the Tuition Fees, charges for individual subjects/courses will be invoiced at the end of Term 1 each year. These charges reflect the consumable costs of each subject/course for which the student is enrolled. Some excursions and camps will also be charged separately.
Finance Pack 2021 Secondary School Subject/Levies schedule 2021 Direct Debit Form